Bluefield University's network is split into several different networks designed for different purposes, including BU-Student, BU-IOT, BU-Faculty/Staff, and BU-Guest. This knowledgebase article will explain what each network is used for and what information is necessary to access it.
What Should Be On This Network?
- Student Smart Phones
- Student Smart Watches
- Student Computers
- Student Tablets
How Do I Access This Network?
1: You will need to get the BU-Student network password from myBU,
IST, or Student Development. Log into myBU and the network password will be on the right side of the home page.
2: Use your student username (your email address without "") and password to sign in on the splash page.
What Should Be On This Network?
How Do I Access This Network?
2: Once completed, the form will be sent to IST so your device can be added to the approved list of devices. IOT will not ask you for a password once you are approved, you can simply join the network on your device.
What Should Be On This Network?
- Staff Computers
- Staff Smart Phones
- Staff Smart Watches
- Staff Tablets
How Do I Access This Network?
1: You will need to get the BU-Faculty/Staff network password from myBU or IST
. Log into myBU and the network password will be on the right side of the home page.
2: Use your staff username (your email address without "") and password to sign in on the splash page.
What Should Be On This Network?
How Do I Access This Network?
1: Connect to BU-Guest and accept the terms on the splash page.